CommLineLit:Main Page

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Welcome to Command Line Literacy!

The goal of this project is to expose computer users to the command line interface (CLI), with learning activities designed to peak their interest and empower them within a variety of computing environments. Command line literacy describes the ability to interact with operating systems through a CLI shell or terminal, rather than through a graphical user interface (GUI).

Example of a CLI

This website takes a "hands-on" approach, simulating a CLI for users to interactively explore. Users must synthesize external Internet resources and will be asked to complete tasks related to online reading comprehension. Tools are also available on this website to evaluate user ability to gather and sort through information related to the topic.

These activities will bring many computer users into unique and challenging territory, while remaining accessible to those with a modest knowledge of computer software. Users that have typically interacted with software through a GUI will be exposed to the (often overlooked) potential of the CLI.

After completing the learning module and activities, users should be able to:

  • 1. Locate information
  • 2. Critically evaluate information
  • 3. Synthesize information from multiple sources
  • 4. Utilize that information for basic CLI tasks
  • 5. Communicate the results efficiently to others

Getting Started

  • Please begin with the Learning Module for the relevant background information.


View this page for more information about this website.