Free Skool:Classes

From Anarchy In Action


Fall 2013: Web Development

  • An overview of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Each participant will create a WordPress blog hosted on our VPS. We like to think beyond blog posts, however, and will discuss software politics and network freedom.

New Haven

Fall 2013: Information Security Post-Snowden

  • Information security and what you can do to protect yourself on the Internet.
  • An overview of the NSA programs revealed by Edward Snowden.

Summer 2013: Free Skool, Free Software - Beyond Open Source

  • We dug into free (as in freedom) software, its history, and what you can do to empower and protect yourself with it.

We also be covered the problems with social networking and the current events surrounding U.S. surveillance.

  • Cyberwars! What's up with PRISM, Snowden, Wikileaks, etc.?

Summer 2013: Reading Group on Anarchism

  • We learned about anarchism, its history, and its development as a philosophy and an organizing force through the present day.
  • We explored classics like Bakunin and Kropotkin as well as anarchism's influence on movements like Occupy, Free Culture, and DIY.

Spring 2013: Web Design & Development

  • An overview of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Each participant also created a WordPress blog hosted on our VPS. Learning went beyond blog posts, however, and inevitably into the realms of software politics and network freedom.