Top Secret

From Anarchy In Action
Revision as of 04:30, 31 August 2013 by Diggity (talk | contribs)

Freedom Shouldn't Be Top Secret

Empower yourself by learning about free software and protecting yourself from programs like PRISM. You probably got here by grabbing one of our promo packets. If so, congratulations! You've got a powerful collection of software in your hands.

Boot That DVD

The DVD in your packet is Trisquel GNU/Linux, a full operating system like Windows or Mac OSX. It's one of many distros out there made by volunteers all over the world. Trisquel contains 100% free software. Try it out!

  1. Pop the DVD in your computer and boot from it. On some computers, you'll have to hit F12, F2, ESC, DEL, or some other key combination and choose your CD/DVD drive.
  2. When the DVD boots, choose "Try Trisquel without installing" and you're on your way! This Live DVD won't harm your computer or touch the files on your hard drive(s).
  3. When you reboot, whatever work you've done in Trisquel will be lost. But, you can install it to your computer at any time by booting the DVD again.

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Privacy & Anonymity

  • Now that you know how to boot a LiveCD, you may want to try some of the options for remaining private and anonymous online.
  • Even if you don't want to use a GNU/Linux distro to remain anonymous, you can take a look at these web browsers.
  • software freedom day Sep 20
  • trisquel liveCD instructions
