Historical Workers Unions
From Anarchy In Action

Industrial Workers of the World demonstration in New York, 1914
- Industrial and Commercial Union of Southern Rhodesia (ICU yase Rhodesia)
- Industrial Workers of the World- Sierra Leone, 3,240 members
- American Continental Workingmen's Association (ACAT)[1]
- Chilean IWW
- Cuban National Labour Confederation (CNOC), 200,000 members
- Industrial Union of North and South America (UIANS) (Mexico)
- Industrial Workers of the World- Chile (IWW-Chile), 25,000 members in 1920
- IWW Marine Transport Workers' Industrial Union (MTWIU)
- Liberation Army of the South (ELS) (Mexico), 70,000 members
- Ship-building Workers' Federation (FTB)[2]
- General League of Koreans (HCH)
- Siberian Industrial Workers of the World (IWW-Siberia), 16,000 members
- European Federation of Alternative Syndicalism (FESAL-E)
- Free Association of German Trade Unions (FvDG), 100,000 members
- General Labour Union--Unity Organisation (AAU-E), 75,000 members
- German Workers' Union of Germany (AAUD), 30,000 members
- Industrial Syndicalist Education League (ISEL), 150,000 members in 1910s
- International Revolutionary Syndicalist Federation (FISR)
- Irish Transport & General Workers' Union (ITGWU), 12,000 members in 1917
- Libertarian Youth (JJLL)
- Polish Syndicalist Union (ZSP)
- Situationist International
- Union of Trade Unions -Polish- (ZZZ)
Autonomous Village Movement (AVM) Federation of Free Labour Unions (FFLU)